Friday, October 17, 2008

I think that it is unethical. I think it is unethical because he shouldn't be sending any e-mails having to do with parties or anything like that from school computers. If he would've send the e-mail from his home computer then it would only be his business, but since he send it from the school then it is the administrator's business. The administrator should address him about it.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

I will manage my time by focusing on what I have to do and not be messing around. It is important that you focus on what you have to do because if you're just messing around you're never going to get things done. As soon as I walk in into class I will get started right away on my work. I will get started on the research and on making calls and reservations.  

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I think it is unethical because the people who left those comments are wrong for doing that. It was also wrong for him to reply to the messages..... he should've just ignored those comments. It wasn't going to hurt him if he just ignored the messages... instead he just made things worse by replying because every time he replies they reply back. It's going to keep on going and going. 

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I think i did pretty good with this project. I think i could've done better, but i just didn't put that much effort into it. I know that next time I will try my best and do better and try to get a better grade.
 I wouldn't give myself such a very high grade on the process journal because i didn't really fill it out. I would give myself a pretty good grade on the newsletter because I think that I put most of the information that Mrs.Hinojosa told us to put in it. 
Jules had done wrong in not logging off. She should've logged off before leaving her seat. If she would've logged off Trish would have never sent those messages from her e-mail. Trish also should have not sent those messages to the students.