Friday, October 31, 2008

1. Investigate: I think I would give myself a 1-2 because I didn't really do that much research and didn't really get that much information.
2. Design: I would also give myself a 2 because I did do some of the design, but I didn't design as much as I would've wanted to.
3. Plan: I think I would give myself a 3 in planning because I think I did a pretty good job with that step, I wrote everything down that I planed on doing on my power point.
4. Create: I would give myself a 2 on this step because I didn't really create that much on my power point.
5. Evaluate: I think I would give myself a 1 because I didn't evaluate practically anything on my power point or process journal.
6. Attitude in Technology: I would give myself a 3 because I think I've had a pretty good attitude and I've helped others when their stuck on something. 

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Do now

I think that even just taking some paper clips or anything from your office you are stealing. Also if your working at a restaurant and you give free food to a friend or family that is stealing also because your talking money from the restaurant. Even if you try to make your application for a job look better by putting things that are not true is something you shouldn't do because maybe the person that is going to hire you might find out and your not going t get hired at all, and even if you do get hired you might not be able to do everything you said you could do and your boss is going to find out and he/she could let you go.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Do Now

It should be obvious of what and what not to do at your job. You shouldn't be surfing the web during while you work or be doing something personal at your job because that is like stealing from your company and your wasting a lot of time that you could be doing your work. You should do the right thing even if no one is watching... it still matters. You should also have good customer service with all your customers because if you boss finds out that your on the phone or doing something rather that taking care of your customers he/she isn't going to be to happy and you could possibly get fired, but not only at your job should you be honest and do the right thing... it should be anywhere like school and many other places. 

Monday, October 27, 2008

Do Now

You should be honest because once you get a job nobody is going to want to hire someone who is not honest and is always lying. If you are honest with your boss he/she is going to have a lot of trust with you and he is going to ask you to do many other things for him and that might even mean more money. Not just in a job you should be honest, you should be honest anywhere and with everyone, friends, family ,teachers, co-workers, etc.