Tuesday, September 9, 2008

  • I think Idea Mission is different because it is more strict than many other schools. We have many more rules than many other schools. We also have rules in the other schools, but in Idea we actually have to follow them unlike in other schools it didn't really matter if we did or didn't. Also here in Idea the teachers don't put up with attitude and in other schools they didn't really care if you have an attitude or not. Here in Idea the teachers promise you that you will go to collage and in other schools they don't make that promise to you.
  • To become an IB Learner you have to be an inquirer and ask many questions. You also have to be knowledgeable and explore concepts, ideas and issues. You also have have to be a thinker and have thinking skills. You have to also be a communicator you have to be able to communicate with others very well. You have to be principled and be honest and you also have to be responsibly. You have to be a risk-taker and have a lot of courage.  You also have to be open-minded and try new things.

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