Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I think that she shouldn't have put any of those nude pictures on her myspace because maybe to other guys that may give them a bad idea about her. All these people seriously are really dumb for doing and putting all these things on myspace/facebook. Something that small as putting pictures or saying stupid things on myspace can really ruin you because if you have a job and people see that you can get fired. Al those people should just really keep their personal life for themselves and not show to the world because it's none of their business it's yours and yours only. I don't really think it;s really bad to have a myspace it just really matters what you do and put on there.Those people who put all that nasty stuff on there are really dumb because look at the consequences  that there was for them.

1 comment:

carlosl2014 said...

your's rocks sisterl! you go girl!!!!!